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When it comes to creating your own blog the name is key.  Knowing how to find the right domain name can make or break your business.  The domain name is the url that your blog will be hosted at.  This begins with choosing your blog name, and while it may seem easy there are multiple things to consider in the process.  Not every name is a good name for a blog, and some ideas can create problems for future readers to remember where to go.  We have some simple tips for how to find the right domain name that will drive pageviews to your blog with ease.

If you are struggling with how to find the right domain name for your blog or website these tips will help make that easy!

How To Find The Right Domain Name

Create a list of ideas around your blog niche.

We’ve already talked to you about how to choose a niche for your blog, but now you want to narrow down that niche to the names that would match it.  If your niche is going to be inexpensive crafts, then you want to make a list of potential ideas that use both the words like crafts, crafty, crafting, DIY and. of course the terms cheap, affordable or similar.  By targeting your niche in your name, you are going to have readers see the name and automatically know what they are going to be reading about.  Build lists of words that describe your blog niche and prominent topics then put them together to form something fun and descriptive.  You can choose something about yourself, your family, where you live or your favorite things to add into the blog name that will be even more descriptive.

Keep it short and sweet. 

Your blog name could be a bit longer and have a tag line to describe further, but you want your domain name to be easy to remember.  Knowing how to find the right domain also is all about not only matching your niche and personality but also considering how easy it is for readers to remember and find.  While most readers will find you through Google searches or social media, they may want to go directly to your blog in the future. A difficult to spell or super long name can make that much more difficult.

Check for business licenses with that same name. 

Before you buy one of the most important things about how to find the right domain is to make sure that it is a name you could potentially license and even trademark later down the road.  You also don’t want to choose a name and begin branding your blog to only find out down the road someone else has already trademarked that name and it is no longer available for use.  Do a simple search of the name to see if anything matches it.  You can also check the Trademark Database to see if anything matches.  If there is something out there that matches or closely matches your idea that has already been trademarked it is best for you to find something different to go with instead.  This will save you from future problems.


Check for availability. 

Once you have decided on one or more options you feel comfortable with, it is time to start checking for its availability.  You want to check first for a .com, but some other potential domains can be great depending on the niche.  While we use .expert here, most will tell you that if the .com isn’t available you might want to look for something different.  Always aim for .com first, but if you really love the name and it isn’t licensed or trademarked elsewhere get what is available for now.  If it shows the .com as not available but parked and not being used, never hesitate to reach out to the owner of that domain and see if they are willing to sell it.  Sometimes the asking price is far too much, but other times they will sell for a reasonable price. We use GoDaddy most often for purchasing domains, but there are multiple places online that sell them fro under $5 per year.

Knowing how to find the right domain name can make or break your blog or business.  You want a name that is descriptive, strong for your niche and easy for your potential readers to remember.  Follow these simple tips to find a great domain and site name for your new blog launch.